sâmbătă, 20 iunie 2020

Wyrd si Orlog - conceptul despre Destin al popoarelor nordice

Cine nu a auzit vorba "cine esti tu astazi se bazeaza pe actiunile tale facute cu ani in urma"? Desigur, e un concept comun in cercurile motivationale ca "ceea ce faci astazi va forma persoana care vei fi peste cativa ani".

Aceasta nu este insa o idee noua, moderna. O regasim in credintele antice ale popoarelor nordice referitoare la destin sau, dupa cum spuneau ei, Wyrd si Orlog - actiune si rezultat, fapta si destin.

"Wyrd" denumeste actiunile din trecut care vin astazi sa modeleze prezentul. Totusi, nu toate actiunile sunt la fel de importante. Actiunile mai insemnate vor avea un impact mult mai mare decat actiunile marunte. De exemplu, a-ti schimba culoarea parului va avea un impact imediat, fara sa afecteze ce persoana vei fi peste 20, 40 sau 60 de ani. Pe de alta parte, mutarea intr-o alta locuinta, ori intr-o alta localitate va avea un impact mult mai mare asupra vietii tale.

Nordicii foloseau o metafora complexa in care se vorbeste despre un izvor, un copac si trei surori. In cateva cuvinte, faptele noastre cad de pe frunzele copacului ca si picaturile de roua. Unele cad pe pamant si se pierd, pe cand altele cad in Fantana Faptelor si se contopesc in apele acestui izvor natural. Apoi, cele trei surori, numite Nordicele, curatesc apa cu care, dupa ce fac anumite ritualuri, uda copacul. Astfel, actiunile importante ajung sa hraneasca Copacul Vietii - Yggdrasil dupa cum este numit in mitologia nordica. Acest copac contine omenirea, Zeii si intreg Universul.

From this, we can see that the ancient Anglo-Norse believed that their personal significant actions helped shape the fabric of the very universe itself. However, like a drop of water into a pond, our deeds ripple outwards. Firstly, we are most affected, then those closest to us, then so on out to the edges of the pond.
You might think that our actions shaping the universe are a bit far-fetched, and that is fine, but think of the actions of some people who have changed our world. The actions of a Scotsman called James Watt led to the Industrial revolution. The actions of two men, the Wright Brothers, changed the way we travel around the world. History is full of examples of ordinary people whose very actions shaped the history of our world and the way we do things today.

How can we ensure that our actions (deeds as the Anglo-Norse called them) will have the greatest impact on us and on those around us? How can we make sure our goals for ourselves, when fulfilled, will have the greatest impact?

Through the ritual of Sumbel, and building habits of repeated actions, we can lay our deeds into the Well of Wyrd and from there they can form layers, shaping our Orlog. Small and consistent habits, with an effective ritual, can shape our lives. Our present is shaped by the actions taken in the past.

Now you might be thinking what does a thousand-year-old concept of fate have to do with us today? Well, I am going to show you.

The Anglo-Norse fate wasn’t a fixed and immutable concept. Yes, there are some things that you cannot change. For example, you can’t change where you were born nor, can you change who your birth parents are. But there are things you do which can change your fate.

The Old Norse referred to fate as Orlog, pronounced roughly as ‘or-lay’. Orlog translates more directly as ‘primal layers’ which better describes what Orlog is rather than the word fate. Orlog is the layers of our actions and deeds over periods of time. However, only significant deeds leave enough of an imprint in the layers of time to affect the future.

The Anglo-Norse believed that they could shape the future by laying deeds into the Well of Wyrd (Old English word for fate) that was used to feed and water the World Tree, which grew and held all things in the cosmos.

With this mindset, a goal promised and boasted of in Sumbel could affect the evolution and growth, not just of the individual, but of the entire cosmos. This is the power of the ancient ritual of Sumbel which helped the Anglo-Norse to explore, expand and change European history while shaping our modern western culture.
Using the power of Sumbel, we can ‘lay’ our goals into our own Orlogs and thus change the shape of our future.

Let me show you, with this easy example. Here I have some pieces of cloth borrowed from my wife’s stash, some paperclips, a couple of pencils and some blocks. The cloth represents layers of time, the paperclips are the everyday things that happen in life such as bills to pay, getting the kids off to school, going to work, running late and washing the dishes. The pencils represent life changing events. Things like the death of a loved one, moving from one home to another or a change of career. The things that have a big impact on our lives. Finally, we have the blocks. These represent those goals and deeds we have achieved and spoke of in Sumbel.

Let us start laying out our example of Orlog. I will drop a few paperclips down, then I will put a pencil down to show us starting a new job. Lastly, I put down one small block to show our Sumbel oath to get a job. Over this all I place a piece of cloth to show a layer of time passing by.

Let’s repeat this process a couple of more times. A few paperclips showing the pain of driving to work, and paying the rent, no pencil this time because nothing major has happened, and finally another block on top of where the previous block was, because we hold Sumbels at the same time each year. This Sumbel perhaps, we celebrate a personal goal of reading every day.

Another layer of time, some more paperclips of necessary tasks, again no pencil, and another block representing our Sumbel.

Now I add a fourth layer, with a Sumbel, some everyday annoyances, and another life changing pencil to represent falling in love.

Last, I add a fifth layer with just the Sumbel ritual and some paperclips of ‘life.’

After five layers, we can see that the paperclips of everyday life have hardly made any impact at all. Those small petty annoyances that bug us and ruin our day, has had no real impact on our lives.

The pencils of life events have left an impact that slowly lessen over time. They are always there, and when remembered they come forward to the present. Otherwise they sit in the past, having shaped our lives.

The blocks of the Sumbel ritual along with the goals and deeds spoken of have left a lasting and permanent change to the Orlog of our life. Each time we repeat an action, we add to the previous layer of our life. In this small consistent actions, intentionally repeated will change the landscape of our life adding new mounds to our Orlog, shaping our new reality.

With this visual example, you can clearly see the power of a regular ritual, habit or routine on our lives over time. Sumbel adds emphasis, motivation, impetus and the power of ritual to your goals.

Sursa: Medium
Foto1: The Legend of Yggdrasil by Kathamausi on DeviantArt
Foto2: Blessed Horn of Plenty by Setzireal on DeviantArt

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